rpm  4.14.3-rc1
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 argv.hArgument Manipulation API
 header.hAn rpm header carries all information about a package
 rpmarchive.hFile archive (aka payload) API
 rpmbase64.hBase64 encoding and decoding API
 rpmbuild.hThis is the only module users of librpmbuild should need to include
 rpmcallback.h(un)install callbacks
 rpmcli.hParsing RPM command line arguments
 rpmdb.hRPM database API
 rpmds.hStructure(s) used for dependency tag sets
 rpmfc.hStructures and methods for build-time file classification
 rpmfi.hFile info set iterator API
 rpmfiles.hFile info set API
 rpmfileutil.hFile and path manipulation helper functions
 rpmio.hRPM I/O API (Fd_t is RPM equivalent to libc's FILE)
 rpmkeyring.hRPM keyring API
 rpmlib.hIn Memoriam: Steve Taylor stayl.nosp@m.or@r.nosp@m.edhat.nosp@m..com was here, now he's not
 rpmlog.hYet Another syslog(3) API clone
 rpmmacro.hMacro API
 rpmpgp.hOpenPGP constants and structures from RFC-2440
 rpmpol.hStructure(s) used for policy sets
 rpmprob.hStructures and prototypes used for an rpm problem item
 rpmps.hStructures and prototypes used for an "rpmps" problem set
 rpmsign.hSignature API
 rpmspec.hThe rpmSpec and Package data structures used during build
 rpmsq.hSignal Queue API
 rpmstring.hString manipulation helper functions
 rpmstrpool.hString pools manipulation helper functions
 rpmsw.hStatistics API
 rpmtag.hAccessing RPM tags: values, types, ..
 rpmtd.hRPM Tag Data Container API
 rpmte.hStructures used for an "rpmte" transaction element
 rpmts.hStructures and prototypes used for an "rpmts" transaction set
 rpmtypes.hTypedefs for RPM abstract data types
 rpmurl.hA couple utils for URL Manipulation
 rpmutil.hMiscellaneous utility macros:
 rpmvf.hVerify a package